Puerto Rico Will Default and That’s a Good Thing

This one I found from my friends over at Nousonomics Puerto Rico Will Default and That’s a Good Thing Amid a surfeit of debt and other downward-trending economic indicators, Puerto Rican legislators put it all on the line last week when it added an additional $3.5 billion worth of IOUs to its balance sheet. Island…

Credit Rating Downgrade – Faulty Reasoning

US credit rating at risk, warns Fitch “Credit rating agency Fitch has warned it could downgrade its AAA rating of US government debt if policymakers cannot agree a deal to raise the debt ceiling. . . . The US is expected to hit its $16.4tn (£10.2tn) borrowing limit by February. If lawmakers do not agree to…

Singapore: The one to watch out for next?

Thanks to Gary North for pointing this one out to me. Current monetary policy worldwide has resulted in the running of the race of the printing presses. Nations across the globe are competing to increase their money supplies in order to keep ahead of their trading partners. There are many reasons for this. Some, like…

Fiscal Cliff – What does it matter?

The whole political scene is abuzz with the “fiscal cliff” that the US government is facing and must resolve before falling off of. But my question is, why does it even matter anymore? Neither of the parties are actually proposing to do anything that will actually bring about fiscal responsibility back to the US government,…

The Reality of the Debt War: Part 1

There has been a lot of concern lately over China and the fact that it holds so much of the US debt. These concerns vary, depending on the source, ranging from the US having to “sell” come of itself to repay the debts, China gaining a direct influence over political processes in the United States,…